Critical results have been obtained on the KROT setup in the field of laboratory modeling of the phenomena occurring during high-frequency ionosphere heating. New physical effects have been observed in the plasma chamber, which arise when intense high-frequency fields interact with magnetized plasma. The laboratory studies serve as the basis for proposing new methods for parametric generation of low-frequency waves for active space experiments.
Unique potentialities of the TsWiWaT facility make it possible to visualize and study small-scale hydrophysical processes, including, .e.g., sea spray generation. Along with solving such fundamental problems as parameterization of the momentum exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean, TsWiWaT is used in applied studies in the field of modeling sewage pollution dynamics. USU is used also to develop and calibrate devices for field studies, including remote sensing of the ocean surface and studies of atmospheric electricity.
- Plasma cloud dynamics in the process of expansion to a magnetized background medium
- Experiments on observing the regime of fast unipolar diffusion of magnetoplasma irregularities in a large volume
- Parametric method of generation of low-frequency waves
- Modeling of the sea spray generation processes
- Engine-driven charging of helicopters
- Laboratory modeling of the electromagnetic scattering processes during ocean surface remote sensing
- Generation of a quasistationary magnetic field by a high-frequency wave
- Modeling of small-scale ionospheric irregularities
- Pollution of the World ocean coastal area by underwater sewage disposal systems
- Pulse exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean under the strong-wind conditions