Experiments on observing the regime of fast unipolar diffusion of magnetoplasma irregularities in a large volume

The regime of fast unipolar diffusion of magnetoplasma irregularities, which is accompanied by generation of eddy currents, has been demonstrated in model experiments on the large KROT plasma setup in the regime of “boundary-free” plasma that imitated the ionospheric conditions. Precision probe measurements performed at the initial stage of irregularity development show that electrons escape from the heated region along the magnetic field, whereas escape in the transverse direction. The electric current is closed over the background plasma with formation of density depletion regions. Several simultaneously developing irregularities interact via short-circuit currents excited near each of them.

Current circuit in the case of the unipolar transport of magnetized plasma particles in the case of localized high-frequency heating of electrons
Plasma depletion region at the periphery of the magnetic tube heated by the high-frequency field, which is formed due to the unipoilar thermodiffusion of electrons and ions

Aidakina N., Gushchin M., Zudin I., Korobkov S., and Strikovskiy A. Laboratory study of the interaction of magnetoplasma irregularities produced by several radio-frequency heating sources // Physics of Plasmas. 2018. V. 25. No. 7. P. 072114 (1–13).

Aidakina N., Gushchin M., Zudin I., Korobkov S., and Strikovskiy A. Density irregularities, currents, and magnetic fields generated by pulsed local rf heating of a magnetoplasma: Disturbances in rf antenna vicinity // Physics of Plasmas. 2018. V. 25. No. 12. P. 122104 (1–15).