Generation of a quasistationary magnetic field by a high-frequency wave
A new effect, specifically, generation of a quasistationary magnetic field (QMF) in weaklly collisional plasma in a spatially nonuniform high-frequency field of the whistler frequency range, was discovered in the experiments at the large-scale plasma KROT setup. QMP sources are nonlinear currents excited by the parallel and perpendicular components of the ponderomotive force that affects charged particles motion in the spatially localized high-frequency pump field.
The dynamics of the excited magnetic field and quasistationary currents has been studied, and the time of QMF has been found to depend on the turn-on time of the high-frequency field. Pulse currents and magnetic fields are carried out of their generation zones at the velocity of low-frequency whistlers. This effect can be used to generate low-frequency waves in active ionospheric experiments. This research was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 10-02-01417-а.
Aidakina N. A., Gushchin M. E., Zudin I. Yu., Korobkov S. V., Kostrov A. V., and Strikovskii A. V. Quasistationary magnetic field generated in a plasma by a whistler-mode radio pulse // JETP Letters, 2011, V. 93, No. 9, P. 498–502.